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Nusantara New Capital City UNDP
2023 |  Nusantara | 🇮🇩

Guidelines for Indonesia’s future capital city


On July 25-26, 2023, UNDP Accelerator Labs, in partnership with UrbanistAI, conducted a design charrette in East Kalimantan with various stakeholders and indigenous communities.

This event was a significant step towards involving the local community in shaping the future of Nusantara, Indonesia’s future capital city. The workshop focused on developing design guidelines for two development areas: a public park and a residential area.

The event was designed to actively engage community members in envisioning how public and residential spaces should be designed to suit their needs and diverse cultural backgrounds. This participatory approach ensured that the diverse ideas and visions of the participants were accurately captured and translated into actionable urban design elements for Nusantara.

Since the new capital city is in the planning phase, the workshop focused on developing the elemental principles of good public space and housing. This was done by producing “community moodboards” made of conceptual visualizations. This collaborative process led to the creation of essential design guidelines that ensure the future urban landscapes of Nusantara are inclusive, representative, and in alignment with the community’s vision.

TAKEAWAYS The design charrette in East Kalimantan, facilitated by UNDP Accelerator Labs and UrbanistAI, marked a pioneering effort in community-engaged urban planning for Indonesia’s future capital. 
It underscored the importance of incorporating community input in shaping urban environments already in the planning phase. 
The outcomes of the workshop, which distilled various urban design elements into essential guidelines, will serve as a foundational blueprint for the development of Nusantara, ensuring it reflects the diverse and inclusive spirit of the community.
The design charrette exemplified a successful integration of local voices in the planning of Indonesia's future capital city, ensuring that urban development aligns with the community's aspirations.
The feedback loop ensured AI-generated designs were continuously refined to better align with the community's aspirations.
Generative AI can be utilized to empower local indigenous communities by empowering their ideas with community boards later used as inspiration by planners and designers.